There is much nonsense in that essay. Take for instance the assertion that "Unlike any time in modern American history, a sufficient number of Americans have awakened to the true nature of our political regime." If only!
Fewer than one in a thousand "based Americans" understands or wants to learn that the USA has been an empire of liars, connivers, plunderers, tyrants, and dupes since her first day. This epic fraud began officially with great sanctimony. The declaration of "Separation" is a creationist diatribe which professes an equality never known to humanity and contrary to evidence. 'Tis hypocritical, too. It feigns righteousness while revealing plans to deny the separatists' enemies, viz. British loyalists, the very "unalienable Rights" professed in their declaration. The signatories did not stop there, either. They insisted that systems long established ought not to be cast aside for light or transient causes, then they gave a list of grievances about a single bad king, adding a pot shot at Parliament for good measure.
Let's just note in passing that the holy Constitution begins with one of the biggest political lies ever to gain popular acceptance. Fewer than ½ of the people did any ordaining or establishing, and the text strictly implies that absolutely everyone, even children and drug addicts, have authority to impose such a system. So here we are about a quarter of a millenium later, living through a time when children are told to demand power over their elders.
Your "based Americans" are adept at turning a blind eye to everything I've just described, and more. If they want to become based, let's hear them admit that the contemprorary situation is a natural development in a system established by impatient class revolutuonaries who were insatiably thirsty for property, power, and empire. Your complaint, and the author's, is only that you're being subjugated and destroyed by scoundrels who are behaving like our ancestors and forebears—who destroyed and replaced the prior nations found on this land.
I've noticed the recent usage of " based" what does this mean? Someone is " based" ??? Odd usage and where did this come from? If your saying " biased"? Say so. Then what is it??
When a based American reads Article VII of the Constitution, he notices that it pretends to state the law on "Establishment" before its own "Ratification". Then he concludes that the Constitution is probably just a sham imposed through the use of trickery, guns, and ammo.
This is a great article. But I see it differently. I didn’t bother counting the number of times “incompetence” or a variation was used. My point is this. The incompetence is a masterful plan. It’s brilliance, not incompetence.
The plan of the elite, the left, the regime, whatever term is used… is not to try and run a country, it’s to destroy a country. America like Russia (who should be our closest ally) must be destroyed and dismantled in order to submit completely to the New World Order, or WEF/WHO/UN. The world is no longer a collection of sovereign nations and colonies like the British Empire- the world today is run by and controlled by the WEF. They control the corporations, all the media, all the money and banks, and the only group that’s bucking its future plans is pockets of resistance in America, Russia and a few rural European communities.
What looks like incompetence is the systematic dismantling of the once greatest nation on Earth. As the hymn goes: “As America goes, so does the world.” That was written to mean… as the greatness of America continues to ascend with its freedoms and might, the world will follow. Now we can truthfully see that phrase as: As America “GOES” (disappears, disintegrates) so does the world.
When you apply the occultic and Masonic history of America with presidents such as Reagan and Clinton having private witches to guide them, George Washington a 33rd degree Mason… and tie in End Time prophecies of the Bible such as the “New Babylon” falling (America) it becomes clear we are living in those times when a one world government will arise (WEF/WHO/UN) and a leader The Antichrist (King Charles) will dominate and control…killing God’s people (WEF and globalist #1 goal per Georgia guidestones rip …is reduce Earths population to a manageable 500M-1 Billion)
The idea of incompetence is actually extreme brilliance. Remember the same globalists that control the social media, media, corporations and nations along with all secret societies and organizations from the Vatican to High Street in London also control the quantum computers, CERN and AI. Just my opinion. Time to pick a side - not democrat or republican…Jesus or Satan.
A country is a territory, not a political union, nor is a union the same thing as a nation. The "country" is not being destroyed; the union is being subordinated more or less as the "States" were subordinated to the union. Well, this is the plan anyway. However, the people in whose name the union was imposed are being destroyed, but huge numbers of them are chauvinists who have it coming. Nearly all of the rest are dupes of a mighty fraudulence of the USA.
King Charles is a Zionist, so maybe there's a grain of truth in what you wrote about him. He's a villain. Still, the 27th book, which is the work of a madman, is related to conditions and events of nearly 2,000 years ago. Its relevance expired long ago. In fact, when American astronauts planted those flags at six sites on the Moon, they called attention to the falsity of Trinitarianism and its predecessor, which insists that the Moon is attached to heaven like a round piece of paper pasted to a round ceiling of a temple.
If the story of Genesis 1 has any truth, it's embedded as allegory, symbol, and so on, not literally, as the context indicates we are to interpret the story. Since the astronauts did not crash into any heaven, as they would have were Genesis 1 wholly truthful, we can conclude in all fairness that both Trinitarianism and the religion of Jesus are superstitious rubbish.
There is much nonsense in that essay. Take for instance the assertion that "Unlike any time in modern American history, a sufficient number of Americans have awakened to the true nature of our political regime." If only!
Fewer than one in a thousand "based Americans" understands or wants to learn that the USA has been an empire of liars, connivers, plunderers, tyrants, and dupes since her first day. This epic fraud began officially with great sanctimony. The declaration of "Separation" is a creationist diatribe which professes an equality never known to humanity and contrary to evidence. 'Tis hypocritical, too. It feigns righteousness while revealing plans to deny the separatists' enemies, viz. British loyalists, the very "unalienable Rights" professed in their declaration. The signatories did not stop there, either. They insisted that systems long established ought not to be cast aside for light or transient causes, then they gave a list of grievances about a single bad king, adding a pot shot at Parliament for good measure.
Let's just note in passing that the holy Constitution begins with one of the biggest political lies ever to gain popular acceptance. Fewer than ½ of the people did any ordaining or establishing, and the text strictly implies that absolutely everyone, even children and drug addicts, have authority to impose such a system. So here we are about a quarter of a millenium later, living through a time when children are told to demand power over their elders.
Your "based Americans" are adept at turning a blind eye to everything I've just described, and more. If they want to become based, let's hear them admit that the contemprorary situation is a natural development in a system established by impatient class revolutuonaries who were insatiably thirsty for property, power, and empire. Your complaint, and the author's, is only that you're being subjugated and destroyed by scoundrels who are behaving like our ancestors and forebears—who destroyed and replaced the prior nations found on this land.
I've noticed the recent usage of " based" what does this mean? Someone is " based" ??? Odd usage and where did this come from? If your saying " biased"? Say so. Then what is it??
Bold, courageous, willing to observe and state plain truths in the face of prevailing but false propaganda. The opposite of woke. Awake.
I still wonder where this came from. Seems odd to me.
When a based American reads Article VII of the Constitution, he notices that it pretends to state the law on "Establishment" before its own "Ratification". Then he concludes that the Constitution is probably just a sham imposed through the use of trickery, guns, and ammo.
This is a great article. But I see it differently. I didn’t bother counting the number of times “incompetence” or a variation was used. My point is this. The incompetence is a masterful plan. It’s brilliance, not incompetence.
The plan of the elite, the left, the regime, whatever term is used… is not to try and run a country, it’s to destroy a country. America like Russia (who should be our closest ally) must be destroyed and dismantled in order to submit completely to the New World Order, or WEF/WHO/UN. The world is no longer a collection of sovereign nations and colonies like the British Empire- the world today is run by and controlled by the WEF. They control the corporations, all the media, all the money and banks, and the only group that’s bucking its future plans is pockets of resistance in America, Russia and a few rural European communities.
What looks like incompetence is the systematic dismantling of the once greatest nation on Earth. As the hymn goes: “As America goes, so does the world.” That was written to mean… as the greatness of America continues to ascend with its freedoms and might, the world will follow. Now we can truthfully see that phrase as: As America “GOES” (disappears, disintegrates) so does the world.
When you apply the occultic and Masonic history of America with presidents such as Reagan and Clinton having private witches to guide them, George Washington a 33rd degree Mason… and tie in End Time prophecies of the Bible such as the “New Babylon” falling (America) it becomes clear we are living in those times when a one world government will arise (WEF/WHO/UN) and a leader The Antichrist (King Charles) will dominate and control…killing God’s people (WEF and globalist #1 goal per Georgia guidestones rip …is reduce Earths population to a manageable 500M-1 Billion)
The idea of incompetence is actually extreme brilliance. Remember the same globalists that control the social media, media, corporations and nations along with all secret societies and organizations from the Vatican to High Street in London also control the quantum computers, CERN and AI. Just my opinion. Time to pick a side - not democrat or republican…Jesus or Satan.
A country is a territory, not a political union, nor is a union the same thing as a nation. The "country" is not being destroyed; the union is being subordinated more or less as the "States" were subordinated to the union. Well, this is the plan anyway. However, the people in whose name the union was imposed are being destroyed, but huge numbers of them are chauvinists who have it coming. Nearly all of the rest are dupes of a mighty fraudulence of the USA.
King Charles is a Zionist, so maybe there's a grain of truth in what you wrote about him. He's a villain. Still, the 27th book, which is the work of a madman, is related to conditions and events of nearly 2,000 years ago. Its relevance expired long ago. In fact, when American astronauts planted those flags at six sites on the Moon, they called attention to the falsity of Trinitarianism and its predecessor, which insists that the Moon is attached to heaven like a round piece of paper pasted to a round ceiling of a temple.
If the story of Genesis 1 has any truth, it's embedded as allegory, symbol, and so on, not literally, as the context indicates we are to interpret the story. Since the astronauts did not crash into any heaven, as they would have were Genesis 1 wholly truthful, we can conclude in all fairness that both Trinitarianism and the religion of Jesus are superstitious rubbish.
You believing that we went to the moon is all I need to know. Thanks and have a great day.
Wow. Great article!
I did read it and posted it for friends to read. Ready to be a subscriber at any time.