The Left has created their own repulsive conundrum. Demonstrating their own bigotry, antisemitism, and misogyny more clearly than at any time since their fight to maintain the Jim Crow South (a series of oppressive laws entirely conceived and enacted by Democrats), they SHOULD find themselves hoist on their own petard. Instead, the “liberals” of the Democrat Party have become the most illiberal, hateful group of all in American politics.
The Left has created their own repulsive conundrum. Demonstrating their own bigotry, antisemitism, and misogyny more clearly than at any time since their fight to maintain the Jim Crow South (a series of oppressive laws entirely conceived and enacted by Democrats), they SHOULD find themselves hoist on their own petard. Instead, the “liberals” of the Democrat Party have become the most illiberal, hateful group of all in American politics.