Excellent observations. Very well written and absolutely right on target. We need much more of your writing exposed to the vast majority of our republic. We need for every American to grasp the truths you have expressed so well in this post!!! Thank you!
Love the phraseology:: "decadent and dying culture." "Intergenerational catastrophe of biblical proportions. " Almost a century ago, Jose Ortega y Gassett, published "Revolt of the Masses," in which he expressed contempt and concern for "mass man" who believes he can not only have an impact on the world, but can change it. Similarly, Eric Hoffer wrote that the coming of the American and French Revolutions marked the entrance of nobodies on the stage if history. It seems to me that this shift in attitude , this empowering of the common man, has indeed changed the world. Plato said something similar.
Very reminiscent of C.S. Lewis' "Men without chests."
And all the time—such is the tragi-comedy of our situation—we continue to clamour for those very qualities we are rendering impossible. You can hardly open a periodical without coming across the statement that what our civilization needs is more ‘drive’, or dynamism, or self-sacrifice, or ‘creativity’. In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.
Well said. It'd be insane for anyone to believe that electing a woman of color would make any difference at all. More likely the opposite would be the case. A lot of people thought electing our first black president would make a difference in a positive direction; instead the race hustle has only intensified. In my opinion it's because the activist class felt threatened by progress, so they redoubled their efforts to lower the bar on what constituted racism.
Another outstanding piece! I couldn't be more in agreement. Your command of the current American/cultural situation is apparent. Reckon how we set things in motion for the requisite changes in order to continue this grand American experiment vs continuing to allow the destruction of our childrens' futures and the world's?
TJ - I am reading your piece from The Blaze. If I'm not out of line, I'd like to be able to communicate with you via email from time to time. If this is acceptable, feel free to hit me at harvey@hnrinc.net. Thanks for you insightful work.
100%. He should not be treated as an adversary, especially since we should be triangulating with Russia against China. The fact that our political class and foreign intelligence apparatus treats Russia and Putin as such is idiotic and dangerous. But, of course, that is consistent with the theme of the essay.
Excellent observations. Very well written and absolutely right on target. We need much more of your writing exposed to the vast majority of our republic. We need for every American to grasp the truths you have expressed so well in this post!!! Thank you!
Thank you again!
Love the phraseology:: "decadent and dying culture." "Intergenerational catastrophe of biblical proportions. " Almost a century ago, Jose Ortega y Gassett, published "Revolt of the Masses," in which he expressed contempt and concern for "mass man" who believes he can not only have an impact on the world, but can change it. Similarly, Eric Hoffer wrote that the coming of the American and French Revolutions marked the entrance of nobodies on the stage if history. It seems to me that this shift in attitude , this empowering of the common man, has indeed changed the world. Plato said something similar.
Very reminiscent of C.S. Lewis' "Men without chests."
And all the time—such is the tragi-comedy of our situation—we continue to clamour for those very qualities we are rendering impossible. You can hardly open a periodical without coming across the statement that what our civilization needs is more ‘drive’, or dynamism, or self-sacrifice, or ‘creativity’. In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.
Brilliantly said.
Well said. It'd be insane for anyone to believe that electing a woman of color would make any difference at all. More likely the opposite would be the case. A lot of people thought electing our first black president would make a difference in a positive direction; instead the race hustle has only intensified. In my opinion it's because the activist class felt threatened by progress, so they redoubled their efforts to lower the bar on what constituted racism.
Hey Stevie…FO.
Another outstanding piece! I couldn't be more in agreement. Your command of the current American/cultural situation is apparent. Reckon how we set things in motion for the requisite changes in order to continue this grand American experiment vs continuing to allow the destruction of our childrens' futures and the world's?
J Harvey - if you liked this piece, you will like The Stand of the Based Americans
TJ - I am reading your piece from The Blaze. If I'm not out of line, I'd like to be able to communicate with you via email from time to time. If this is acceptable, feel free to hit me at harvey@hnrinc.net. Thanks for you insightful work.
well said
It can be debated weather or not putin is a adversary to America but he is a adversary to the left.
The left hates real men, thus Putin is near the top of the list.
100%. He should not be treated as an adversary, especially since we should be triangulating with Russia against China. The fact that our political class and foreign intelligence apparatus treats Russia and Putin as such is idiotic and dangerous. But, of course, that is consistent with the theme of the essay.
In fact it could be argued that China is not our enemy but just a near peer competitor.
However the left and its puppet masters the Military industrial complex needs paper tiger adversaries to keep the machine rolling.
Iran, North Korea, Russia, China identified as conventional threats.
Again we could argue that Iran is a US puppet. No attacking unless we give them permission…
Sun Tzu said something like;
The best way to defeat one’s enemies is to never fire a shot.
So they just need to sit back and watch the distraction from within.
Tawain and the PRC are more tightly linked then most understand.
Anyway a different topic. Your article one of best ever written.
That is Jeffrey Sachs’ position. My time in DOJ prosecuting Chinese spies makes me skeptical of Sachs’ position though.
This is one of the best descriptions of the bureaucratic mediocrities who want to run our lives I’ve ever seen. Worthless nonentities.