The Rape of Jackson Reffitt's Mind
A father endures a totalitarian nightmare that you are required to witness.
A rough and terrible beast is loose in the West. Its power grows daily. Decades ago, it was a mere nuisance. Back then, it could have been tamed if concerted force had been brought to bear. No more. Today, it threatens to topple the last bastion of civilization on Earth.
This beast is totalitarianism. It rapes the mind, replacing its ability to reason with a comforting and infantile dogma.
Woke leftism is totalitarian. It has raped the minds of millions of our countrymen, turning them into drones. These drones are the mental slaves of ideas they don’t understand and forces they cannot see.
Today, woke totalitarianism uses various techniques to brainwash its victims. It learned these techniques from the expert mind flayers of the twentieth century: the Soviets, the Khmer Rouge, the Chinese Communists, others.
And it used these techniques on Jackson Reffitt.
The Sins of the Father
On January 6, 2021, Jackson’s father Guy participated in the Electoral Justice Protests in Washington DC. This grave sin cast Guy into the role of heretic to regime orthodoxy.
For his “sin,” the elder Reffitt was sentenced to more than seven years in federal prison - an astoundingly unjust sentence in any decent society. I know. I was a federal prosecutor. (I’ve written about DOJ’s kid-glove treatment of leftist terrorists here versus its harsh treatment of right-wing defendants here.)
But in totalitarian dictatorships, it is not enough merely to imprison heretics. They must be destroyed, their friends ostracized, and their families debauched. In Guy’s case, it meant that the woke leftists had to rape his son’s mind. And so they did.
The video above depicts the dull, apathetic remains of a boy whose mind has been viciously raped by woke totalitarianism.
During the first 17 years of his life, Jackson was almost certainly the victim of incessant political conditioning. After all, this is what passes for “education” today. He was indoctrinated to respond approvingly to all leftist tropes and to denounce everything else. He was relieved of the responsibility of thinking but permitted to relax in the embrace of mindless totalitarian conformity.
Thus, he was conditioned to pay the toll every totalitarian slave may ultimately have to pay - whether to betray his family. That test was thrust upon him on January 6th. Under the immense pressure of the slave drone ideology, he reported his father to the FBI and testified against him at his “trial.”
Try to imagine the nightmare in which Jackson Reffitt’s father lives today. Imagine living in a small cell, always recalling the horrible day your own son testified against you on behalf of the beast. Knowing that you cannot reach him with facts or reason. Not even with love. That your son is deeply mistaken about the nature of reality, but does not know it. That his mind has been used and discarded by more powerful people who care nothing for his wellbeing. This is what it means to be mind raped.
Reffitt junior is not to blame. As a child (or young man - he was 18 at the time), he stood no chance against the vast apparatus hell-bent on turning him and his father into a warning.
And of course all the regime propaganda outlets dutifully reported the story. Incessantly. After all, the whole point was that you know about it. It wouldn’t be a warning otherwise.
These sadistic woke ideologues even made an off-Broadway play in which they acted out their orgiastic fantasies against an absurd caricature of Reffitt senior. Nevermind that he is a man, a husband, a father, an American - just like many of you (take note). Totalitarianism has no time for decency, moderation, or mercy. A healthy society, conversely, does not do this sort of thing.
At any rate, a government that turns family members against one another to retain its political control has the hallmarks of a totalitarian dictatorship. Your government did this to Guy Reffitt and his son and many others following January 6th.
Origin Story
There can be no doubt about the origins of this technique. In 1956, the well-known Dutch psychoanalyst Jost Meerloo documented its development and use in the communist totalitarian dictatorships. At 304 pages, Meerloo’s The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing is worth your time. If only to understand what you’re up against.
Here Meerloo explains the use of conflicting loyalties (the exact technique used on Jackson) as a brainwashing technique:
Clever as the Nazi techniques were, they were not as irresistible as the methodical tricks of the communist brainwashers . . . all of a sudden the enemy puts before you a clash of loyalties: your father or . . . your fatherland . . . This is a brutal choice to have to make, and when the inquisitor makes use of your additional inner conflicts, he can easily force you into surrender. A clash between loyalties makes either choice a betrayal . . . He cleverly exploits the victims early ambivalent ties with his parents. The sudden outbreak of hidden moral flaws and guilt can bring a man to tears and complete the breakdown. He regresses to the dependence and submissiveness of the baby.
That easily describes the case of Jackson Reffitt.
Totalitarianism destroys conscientious adults and rapes the minds of people like Jackson Reffitt for two reasons. First, doing so serves as a release valve for the pent up rage of totalitarian slave drones (think BLM or Antifa rioters). Second, the destruction of these living human beings is a message to you, the holdout.
The price of your refusal to bend the knee to the totalitarian dogma will be the destruction of everything you love, the estrangement of your friends, the destruction of your communities, the evisceration of your churches, the annihilation of your family, the rape of your child’s mind. Imprisonment is nothing as against these things.
This is what the leftist totalitarian ideology has done to Guy Reffitt and his son. This is what they are doing to America. This is what they intend to do to you.
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Rest assured, these are the same people who wanted to me and others in camps for refusing an experimental medical treatment several months later in 2021.
This turns my stomach.