Principled, my ass. Paid off and soon to be a regular on the MSM and given a cushy partnership at Perkins Couie.

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A point I've seen raised elsewhere that you may be able to confirm is that the prosecution violated Justice Department standards on election interference by bringing the charges as the Mayor is pursuing reelection. The subject of the charges therefore suffers an irrecoverable harm merely from the charges being brought, much less potentially spending part of a campaign season in court, even if eventually found not guilty. A dismissal now without prejudice is therefore entirely appropriate, leaving the option for the prosecution to still bring the same charges later at a timing when doing so would not constitute election interference.

Likewise, the allegations of a quid pro quo regarding cooperation on immigration are nonsense by any legal standard. Deliberate obstruction of federal law enforcement is itself a crime; cooperation with federal agencies is nothing more than following the law. A bribe is generally taken in return for committing ILLEGAL activity, not for simply doing one's job in full compliance with the law.

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As I understand it, the letter included allegations of evidence destruction that had not yet been charged. To me, inclusion of that assertion belies any claim of virtue as far as I am concerned. No ethical prosecutor of my acquaintance (and I retired as a local prosecutor after 37 years of practice) would ever publicly refer to an allegation that had not been made, at the very least, in a sworn complaint filed in a court.

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Which, incidentally, is exactly what Jack Smith did (and tried to do) in his insistence on releasing uncharged allegations and facts to Congress in volumes I (released) and II (not yet released) of his report. The behavior is repulsive and these lawyers, Smith especially, should be shamed out of the profession. At the very least, it belies terrible judgment.

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An absolutely beautiful analysis of Sassoon’s oh-so-virtuous resignation letter.

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Well stated with one omission. Adams was charged only after he complained that Biden's open border policy dumped thousands of illegal immigrants on NYC, "destroying" the City as Adams claimed. That fact alone warranted dismissal of the charges.

It would be useful to know if Ms. Sassoon was involved in the decision to charge Adams.

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"After four years of unchecked abuses of the government’s prosecutorial power—abuses that shattered all pretense at legal reasoning and had no historical precedent—we’re now awash in so-called “principled resignations.”

It appears the Lefttards think everyone is as stupid, and evil, as they are. Bad call Leftards.

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